Isamu Noguchi was a famous American sculptor, furniture designer and landscape architect. He is best known for his public sculptures, landscaped gardens and various iconic furniture designs which are still produced today. Famous Isamu Noguchi artworks include “Radio Nurse”, “Lunar Landscape”, “Sky Viewing Sculpture”, “The Cry”, “Noguchi Coffee Table”, “Red Cube”, “Even the Centipede”, “Black Sun” and “Octetra”.
Mini biography: Born Isamu Noguchi on the 17th of November, 1904 in Los Angeles, California, United States of America. His mother Léonie Gilmour was a journalist and his father Yone Noguchi was a Japanese poet. Noguchi married the singer and actress Yoshiko Yamaguchi in 1951 and they divorced in 1957. The artist died on the 30th of December, 1988 in New York City, NY, USA at the age of 84.
List of Famous Isamu Noguchi Art Quotes
The art of stone in a Japanese garden is that of placement. Its ideal does not deviate from that of nature. But I am also a sculptor of the West. I place my mark and do not hide. Isamu Noguchi
I consider conceptual things as a base–that’s where you start from. But the discovery is in the accidents and also the things that happen which make you change your mind. I’m never absolutely fixed about anything. Isamu Noguchi
We live in a world of reality, but also of imagination, of the way things should be or might become. I see this as a place for escape. Isamu Noguchi
The attractions of ceramics lie partly in its contradictions. It is both difficult and easy, with an element beyond our control. It is both extremely fragile and durable. Like ‘Sumi’ ink painting, it does not lend itself to erasures and indecision. The best is that which is most spontaneous or seemingly so. I have found it a natural medium to work with in Japan, but not so in America. I associate it with the closeness of earth and wood which is for me Japan and not America today. Isamu Noguchi
The essence of sculpture is for me the perception of space, the continuum of our existence. Isamu Noguchi
If you are caught in time, immediate present time, then your choice is very limited, you can only do certain things correctly belonging to that time. But if you want to escape from that time constraint, than the whole world— I mean not just the most industrialized world – but the whole world is someplace where you belong. Isamu Noguchi
I had a revelation in 1933 of the earth outdoors as a new way of conceiving sculpture. Isamu Noguchi
Isamu Noguchi Sculpture

More on Famous American Sculptor Isamu Noguchi
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