Berthe Morisot was a famous French female painter associated with the Impressionist art movement. She is best known for her portraits and domestic scenes. Famous Berthe Morisot artworks include “The Artist’s Sister at a Window”, “L’ombrelle verte, Reading (portrait of Edma Morisot)”, “Eugène Manet on the Isle of Wight”, “The Bath (Girl Arranging Her Hair)”, “Julie Manet et son Lévrier Laerte”, “Eugène Manet and His Daughter at Bougival”, “After Luncheon”, “The Cradle”, “The Harbor at Lorient”, and “Jeune Fille au Manteau Vert”.
Mini biography: Born Berthe Morisot on the 14th of January, 1841 in Bourges, Cher, France. Her mother was Marie-Joséphine-Cornélie Thomas and her father Edmé Tiburce Morisot was a senior administrator. Morisot married Eugène Manet (brother of the famous French artist Edouard Manet) in 1874. They had one child together: Julie Manet. The artist died on the 2nd of March, 1895 in Paris, France at the age of 54. Morisot is buried at the Passy Cemetery in Paris, France.
List of Famous Berthe Morisot Art Quotes
I don’t think there has ever been a man who treated a woman as an equal and that’s all I would have asked for, for I know I’m worth as much as they. Berthe Morisot
Dreams are life itself – and dreams are more true than reality; in them we behave as our true selves – if we have a soul it is there. Berthe Morisot
Men readily believe that they will fill a whole life; but for my part, I believe that however fond one is of one’s husband, one does not relinquish a life of work without some difficulty; affection is a very pretty thing provided it is coupled with something to fill one’s day. Berthe Morisot
It is odd that Edouard with his reputation as an innovator, who has survived such storms of criticism, should suddenly be seen as a classicist. It just proves the imbecility of the public, for he has always been a classic painter. Berthe Morisot
At least we are getting attention, and we have enough self-esteem not to care. My brother-in-law Edouard Manet is not with us. Speaking of success, he has just been rejected by the Salon; he, too, is perfectly good-humored about his failure. Berthe Morisot
He (Edgar Degas) showed me a whole series done from the same model and with the same sort of rhythm. He is a draughtsman of the first order; it would be interesting to show all these preparatory studies for a painting to the public, which generally imagines that the impressionists work in a very casual way. I do not think it possible to go further in the rendering of form. Berthe Morisot
Poor Edouard suffered atrociously. His agony was horrible, death in one of its most appealing forms, that I once again witnessed at a very close range. If you add to these almost physical emotions my old bond of friendship with Edouard, an entire past of youth and work suddenly ending, you will know that I am devastated. Berthe Morisot
Berthe Morisot Self Portrait Painting

More on Famous French Female Artist Berthe Morisot
How has Berthe Morisot influenced your art making? Is she one of your favorite famous French impressionist painter? Let us know what you think about Berthe Morisot in the comments below.
Related or similar popular artists include: Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt, Edouard Manet, and other Famous French Artists.
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