Cindy Sherman is a famous American photographer and feminist artist. She is best known for her self-portrait photography exploring feminism and women in society. Famous Cindy Sherman photographs include “Untitled Film Still #numbered” and “Untitled #numbered”.
Mini biography: Born Cynthia Morris Sherman on the 19th of January, 1954 in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, United States of America. Her mother was Dorothy and her father Charles Sherman was an engineer with Grumman Aircraft. Sherman married the French film maker Michel Auder in 1984 and they divorced in 1999.
List of Famous Cindy Sherman Photography Quotes
I wish I could treat every day as Halloween, and get dressed up and go out into the world as some eccentric character. Cindy Sherman
The work is what it is and hopefully it’s seen as feminist work, or feminist-advised work, but I’m not going to go around espousing theoretical bullshit about feminist stuff. Cindy Sherman
Since I really don’t expect people to buy my art anyway, and because I don’t have to worry about funding or being censored at this point, I thought I might as well really try to pull out all the stops and just make something that directly deals with sexuality and censorship without compromising my values. Cindy Sherman
I was feeling guilty in the beginning; it was frustrating to be successful when a lot of my friends weren’t. Also, I was constantly being reminded of that by people in my family making jokes. Cindy Sherman
My ideas are not developed before I actually do the pieces. Cindy Sherman
If I knew what the picture was going to be like I wouldn’t make it. It was almost like it was made already.. the challenge is more about trying to make what you can’t think of. Cindy Sherman
I have this juvenile fascination with things that are repulsive. It intrigues me why certain things are repulsive. To think about why something repulses me makes me that much more interested in it. I feel that I have to explore it. Cindy Sherman
I couldn’t be an advocate but, through my work, I can be outspoken. What’s also important, though, is that the work is always ambiguous, that it lends itself to interpretation. I’m not a message artist. Cindy Sherman
Someone once interviewed me and brought up the question of death, and I totally denied it. I’m not obsessed with death, and yet, when I started thinking about it, I realized that I actually was. It’s one of those mysteries of life.. its terrifying and grotesque. Cindy Sherman
I was supporting myself, but nothing like the guy painters, as I refer to them. I always resented that actually.. we were all getting the same amount of press, but they were going gangbusters with sales. Cindy Sherman
I feel I’m anonymous in my work. When I look at the pictures, I never see myself; they aren’t self-portraits. Sometimes I disappear. Cindy Sherman
It’s literally playing in my studio. That’s why I like to work alone, because I can be less inhibited. I often don’t know what I want until the end. It’s very liberating. Cindy Sherman
I didn’t want to make “high” art, I had no interest in using paint, I wanted to find something that anyone could relate to without knowing about contemporary art. I wasn’t thinking in terms of precious prints or archival quality; I didn’t want the work to seem like a commodity. Cindy Sherman
When I do work, I get so much done in such a concentrated time that once I’m through a series, I’m so drained I don’t want to get near the camera. Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman Self Portrait Photograph

More on Famous American Photographer Cindy Sherman
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