Claude Monet was a famous French painter. He is best known for being the father of the Impressionist art movement in France where he painted nature as he saw it. Famous Claude Monet paintings include “Impression, Sunrise”, “Water Lilies”, “La Promenade”, “Garden at Sainte-Adresse”, “La Grenouillére”, “Woman with a Parasol”, “Poplars at the River Epte”, “Rouen Cathedral at Sunset”, and “Camille Monet on a Garden Bench”.
Mini biography: Born Oscar-Claude Monet on the 14th of November, 1840 in Paris, France. His mother was Louise Justine Aubrée and his father Claude Adolphe Monet was a wholesale merchant. Monet married Camille-Léonie Doncieux in 1870 and they had two children together: Jean and Michel. Camille Monet died in 1879. He married his second wife Alice Raingo Hoschedé in 1892 and she died in 1911. The artist died of lung cancer on the 5th of December, 1926 in Giverny, France at the age of 86. He was buried at the Giverny church cemetery, Haute-Normandie, France.
List of Famous Claude Monet Art Quotes
My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece. Claude Monet
Nothing in the whole world is of interest to me but my painting and my flowers. Claude Monet
It’s on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly. Claude Monet
One is too taken up with all that one sees and hears in Paris, however strong one is, and what I do here will at least have the merit of being unlike anyone else, at least I believe so, because it will simply be the expression of what I, and only I have felt. Claude Monet
I know that to paint the sea really well, you need to look at it every hour of every day in the same place so that you can understand its way in that particular spot and that is why I am working on the same motifs over and over again, four or six times even. Claude Monet
Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment. To such an extent indeed that one day, finding myself at the deathbed of a woman who had been and still was very dear to me, I caught myself in the act of focusing on her temples and automatically analyzing the succession of appropriately graded colors which death was imposing on her motionless face. Claude Monet
For me, a landscape does not exist in its own right, since its appearance changes at every moment; but the surrounding atmosphere brings it to life – the air and the light which vary continually. For me, it is only the, surrounding atmosphere which gives subjects their true value. Claude Monet
It took me time to understand my waterlilies. I had planted them for the pleasure of it; I grew them without ever thinking of painting them. Claude Monet
I insist upon doing it alone. Much as I enjoyed making the trip there with Renoir as a tourist, I’d find it hard to work there together. I have always worked better alone and from my own impressions. Claude Monet
I can only draw what I see. Claude Monet
I am absolutely sickened with and demoralized by this life, I’ve been leading for so long. When you get to my age, there is nothing more to look forward to. Unhappy we are, unhappy we’ll stay. Each day brings its tribulations and each day difficulties arise. Claude Monet
Everything I have earned has gone into these gardens. Claude Monet
I am in a very black mood and profoundly disgusted with painting. It really is a continual torture! Don’t expect to see anything new, the little I did manage to do has been destroyed, scraped off, or torn up. You’ve no idea what appalling weather we’ve had continuously these two past months. When you’re trying to convey the weather, the atmosphere and the general mood, it’s enough to make you mad with rage. Claude Monet
Art Quotes About Claude Monet
What lessons are our young artists going to receive from now on? They’ll all start to do Impressionism! Ah! these people believe they are painting nature, nature so admirable in all its manifestations! What pretension! Nature is not for them! This Monet, do you remember his cathedrals? And that man used to know how to paint! Yes, I’ve seen good things by him, but now! Jean-Léon Gérôme Quotes
Who is this Monet whose name sounds just like mine and who is taking advantage of my notoriety? (1865 quote) Édouard Manet Quotes
Claude Monet Self Portrait Painting

More on French Painter Claude Monet
How has Claude Monet influenced your art making? Is he one of your favorite famous French Impressionism artists? Let us know what you think about Claude Monet in the comments below.
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