Édouard Manet was a famous French painter and printmaker associated with the French Realist and Impressionist art movements. He is best known for his naturalist paintings that transitioned into what became Impressionism. Famous Edouard Manet artworks include “Music in the Tuileries”, “Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe (The Luncheon on the Grass)”, “Olympia”, “A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (Un Bar aux Folies-Bergère)”, “The Spanish Singer”, “The Execution of Emperor Maximilian”, “Bunch of Asparagus”, “Gypsy with a Cigarette”, “Portrait of Émile Zola”, and “Berthe Morisot with a Bouquet of Violets”.
Mini biography: Born Édouard Manet on the 23rd of January, 1832 in Paris, France. His mother was Eugénie-Desirée Fournier and his father Auguste Manet was a judge. Manet married the Dutch pianist Suzanne Leenhoff in 1863. The artist died on the 30th of April, 1883 in Paris, France at the age of 51. Manet is buried at the Passy Cemetery in Paris, France.
List of Famous Édouard Manet Art Quotes
One must be of one’s time and paint what one sees. Édouard Manet
I know we can’t make a model undress in the street. But there are fields, and at least in the summer we could do studies of the nude in the country, since the nude appears to be the first and the last word in art. Édouard Manet
Who is this Monet whose name sounds just like mine and who is taking advantage of my notoriety? (1865 quote) Édouard Manet
Get it down quickly, don’t worry about the background. Just go for the tonal values. You see? When you look at it, and above all when you see how to render it as you see it, that is, in such a way that it makes the same impression on the viewer as it does on you, you don’t look for, you don’t see the lines on the paper over there, do you? Édouard Manet
In art, conciseness is both a necessity and a luxury; a concise man provokes thought, a wordy man provokes boredom; always move towards conciseness. In the figure, look for the main light and the main shadow, the rest will come of itself: often, it amounts to very little. Édouard Manet
You can deduce everything about a woman from the way she holds her feet. Seductive women always turn their feet out. Don’t expect to get anywhere with a woman who turns her feet in. Édouard Manet
Whenever I start something, I’m always afraid the model will let me down. They come, they pose, then away they go, telling themselves that he can finish it off on his own. Well no, one can’t finish anything on one’s own, particularly since one only finishes on the day one starts, and that means starting often and having plenty of days available. Édouard Manet
No one knows what it feels like to be constantly insulted. It sickens and destroys you.. .The fools! They’ve never stopped telling me I’m inconsistent; they couldn’t have said anything more flattering. Édouard Manet
Art Quotes About Edouard Manet
I had already recognized who were my true masters. I admired Manet, Courbet and Degas. I hated conventional art – I began to live. Mary Cassatt Quotes
It is odd that Edouard with his reputation as an innovator, who has survived such storms of criticism, should suddenly be seen as a classicist. It just proves the imbecility of the public, for he has always been a classic painter. Berthe Morisot Quotes
At least we are getting attention, and we have enough self-esteem not to care. My brother-in-law Edouard Manet is not with us. Speaking of success, he has just been rejected by the Salon; he, too, is perfectly good-humored about his failure. Berthe Morisot Quotes
Poor Edouard suffered atrociously. His agony was horrible, death in one of its most appealing forms, that I once again witnessed at a very close range. If you add to these almost physical emotions my old bond of friendship with Edouard, an entire past of youth and work suddenly ending, you will know that I am devastated. Berthe Morisot Quotes
Édouard Manet Self Portrait Painting

More on Famous French Artist Édouard Manet
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Related or similar popular artists include: Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Paul Cezanne, and other Famous French Artists.
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