Édouard Vuillard was a famous French Post-Impressionist artist associated with the Les Nabis group of painters. He is best known for his paintings of interiors and for portraits of people in their homes. Famous Edouard Vuillard artworks include “The Seamstresses”, “In the Waiting Room”, “Arthur Fontaine Reading”, “Venus de Milo”, “Morning in the Garden, Clos Cezanne”, “The Salle Clarac at the Louvre”, “At Clayes, Geranium on a Blue Table”, “Morning Concert at Place Vintimille”, “Portrait of Theodore Duret” and “The Comtesse Marie-Blanche de Polignac”.
Mini biography: Born Jean-Édouard Vuillard on the 11th of November, 1868 in Cuiseaux, Saône-et-Loire, France. His mother Marie Michaud was a seamstress and his father Joseph-Honoré Vuillard was a retired naval captain and tax collector. The artist died on the 21st of June, 1940 in La Baule, Loire-Inférieure, France at the age of 71. Vuillard is buried at the Batignolles Cemetery in Paris, City of Paris, Île-de-France, France.
List of Famous Edouard Vuillard Art Quotes
To say that a thing is beautiful is simply an act of faith, not a measurement on some kind of scale. Edouard Vuillard
Conceive of a picture really as a series of harmonies. Edouard Vuillard
Nothing is important save the spiritual state that enables one to subjectify one’s thoughts to a sensation and to think only of the sensation, all the while searching to express it. Edouard Vuillard
Who speaks of art speaks of poetry. There is not art without a poetic aim. There is a species of emotion particular to painting. There is an effect that results from a certain arrangement of colors, of lights, of shadows. It is this that one calls the music of painting. Edouard Vuillard
We perceive nature through the senses, which give us images of forms of color, sounds etc. A form which exists only in relation to another form on its own, it does not exist. Edouard Vuillard
Art Quotes About Edouard Vuillard
Bonnard and Vuillard were a huge influence at that time. They were the painters I looked at and funnily enough they are still the ones I respond to a lot. Elisabeth Cummings
Édouard Vuillard Self Portrait Painting

More on Famous French Artist Édouard Vuillard
How has Edouard Vuillard influenced your art making? Is he one of your favorite famous French Post-Impressionist artists? Let us know what you think about Edouard Vuillard in the comments below.
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