Franz Marc was a famous German painter and printmaker associated with Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) group and the Expressionist art movement. He is best known for his modernist depictions of animals that explored energy, movement and color. Famous Franz Marc artworks include “Blue Horse I”, “The Large Blue Horses”, “The Yellow Cow”, “Fate of the Animals”, “The Little Monkey”, “Deer in the Forest II”, “Dreaming Horse”, “Fighting Forms”, “Horse in a Landscape” and “Three Cats”.
Mini biography: Born Franz Moritz Wilhelm Marc on the 8th of February, 1880 in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. His mother was Sophie and his father Wilhelm Marc was a landscape painter. Marc married Marie Schnür. He married his second wife Bertha Pauline Marie Franck in 1913. The artist died on the 4th of March, 1916 in Braquis, France at the age of 36. Franz Marc is buried at the Friedhof of Kochel am See, Bavaria (Bayern), Germany.
List of Famous Franz Marc Art Quotes
I want to start like a child, to express my impression in front of nature with three colors and a few lines, and then add to forms and colors, where it requires the expression, that the working process is only a dedication, and never a removal. Only we painters know how stupidly difficult this is. Franz Marc
The impure men and women who surrounded me (and particularly the men), did not arouse any of my real feelings; while the natural feeling for life possessed by animals set in vibration everything good in me. Franz Marc
I am trying to intensify my feeling for the organic rhythm in all things, trying to establish a pantheistic contact with the tremor and flow of blood in nature, in animals, in the air – trying to make it all into a picture, with new movements and with colors that reduce our old easel paintings to absurdity. Franz Marc
Only today can art be metaphysical, and it will continue to be so. Art will free itself from the needs and desires of men. We will no longer paint a forest or a horse as we please or as they seem to us, but as they really are. Franz Marc
The art of the future will give form to our scientific convictions; this is our religion and our truth, and it is profound and weighty enough to produce the greatest style and the greatest revaluation of form that the world has ever seen. Franz Marc
I make the most outrageous demands on my imagination and leave aside everything else, theory and nature study, as other people understand them. Franz Marc
Van Gogh is for me the most authentic, the greatest, the most poignant painter I know. To paint a bit of the most ordinary nature, putting all one’s faith and longings into it – that is the supreme achievement. Franz Marc
In war we are all equal, but among a thousand good men, a bullet hit an irreplaceable one. We painters know well that with the loss of his (Macke) harmony, the color in German art will become many shades paler. Franz Marc
Franz Marc Animal Painting

More on Famous German Painter Franz Marc
How has Franz Marc influenced your art making? Is he one of your favorite famous German expressionist artists? Let us know what you think about Franz Marc in the comments below.
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