Grant Wood was a famous American realist or regionalist artist. He is best known for his depictions of the Midwest of the United States. Famous Grant Wood artworks include “American Gothic”, “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere”, “Daughters of Revolution”, “Fall Plowing”, “Arnold Comes of Age”, “Boy Milking Cow”, “Young Corn”, “The Birthplace of Herbert Hoover”, “Stone City, Iowa” and “Arbor Day”.
Mini biography: Born Grant DeVolson Wood on the 13th of February, 1891 in Anamosa, Iowa, United States of America. His mother was Hattie DeEtte Weaver and his father Francis Maryville Wood died when Grant was still a boy at ten years of age. Wood married Sara Sherman Maxon in 1935 and they were divorced in 1938. The artist died on the 12th of February, 1942 in Iowa City, Iowa, USA at the age of 50, just a day before his 51st birthday. Wood is buried at the Riverside Cemetery, Anamosa, Jones County, Iowa, USA.
List of Famous Grant Wood Art Quotes
I realized that all the really good ideas I’d ever had came to me while I was milking a cow. So I went back to Iowa. Grant Wood
I had to go to France to appreciate Iowa. Grant Wood
I’m the plainest kind of fellow you can find. There isn’t a single thing I’ve done, or experienced, that’s been even the least bit exciting. Grant Wood
I finally induced my own maiden sister to pose and had her comb her hair straight down her ears, with a severely plain part in the middle. The next job was to find a man to represent the husband. My quest finally narrowed down to the local dentist, who reluctantly consented to pose. (Talking about the iconic American Gothic painting) Grant Wood
In general, I have found, the people who resent the painting are those who feel that they themselves resemble the portrayal. (American Gothic) Grant Wood
Technique does not constitute art. Nor is it a vague, fuzzy romantic quality known as beauty, remote from the realities of everyday life. It is the depth and intensity of an artist’s experience that are the first importance in art. Grant Wood
You can do anything with beer that you can do with wine. Beer is great for basting or marinating meat and fish. Grant Wood
I am willing to go so far as to say that I believe the hope of native American art lies in the development of regional art centers and the competition between them. It seems the one way to the building up of an honestly art-conscious America. Grant Wood
Grant Wood Self Portrait Painting

More on Famous American Painter Grant Wood
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