H. R. Giger was a famous Swiss designer, painter and sculptor. He is best known for his biomechanical figures and for his design work on the Alien films made by Ridley Scott. Famous HR Giger artworks include “Hommage à Böcklin“, “Necronom”, “Brain Salad Surgery”, “Biomechanoiden”, “Alien III, sideview III”, “No. 250, Li I”, “Bambi Alien”, “N.Y. City III, Straight”, “Biomechanical Landscape Ila”, “Lifetime Crosswatch”, “Taurus Zodiac” and “Birth Machine”.
Mini biography: Born Hans Ruedi Giger on the 5th of February, 1940 in Chur, Graubünden, Switzerland. His mother was Melly Giger-Meier and his father Hans Richard Giger was a pharmacist. Giger married Mia Bonzanigo in 1979 and they divorced in 1981. He married his second wife Carmen Maria Scheifele in 2006. The artist died on the 12th of May, 2014 in Zürich, Switzerland at the age of 74. Giger is buried at the Cimetiere de Gruyeres, Gruyeres, Bezirk Gruyère, Fribourg, Switzerland.
List of Famous H.R. Giger Art Quotes
Everyone always wants to know about my dreams. The inspiration is mostly from literature actually. I have read so many things that have inspired me. H. R. Giger
I like art nouveau; a stretched line or curve. These things are very much in the foreground of my work. H. R. Giger
When I was a young boy, I was obsessed with skulls and mummies and things like that. H. R. Giger
Sometimes people only see horrible, terrible things in my paintings. I tell them to look again, and they may see two elements in my paintings – the horrible things and the nice things. H. R. Giger
Some people would say my paintings show a future world and maybe they do, but I paint from reality. H. R. Giger
I’m actually poor. I had to sell several paintings to pay for the castle. That was shit. I had to sell some very nice, very important paintings. H. R. Giger
It might sound very strange that an artist can say he’s retired, but just because I’m not doing any more paintings, it doesn’t mean that I’m not thinking about things. H. R. Giger
You know, many people think cinema is a third-class art form. Dali worked mainly for the theatre, for opera and ballet. He did that dream sequence in Spellbound for Hitchcock, but little else for cinema. But I don’t think this is so. Cinema is today. We have to change the thinking of these old-fashioned people. H. R. Giger
My paintings seem to make the strongest impression on people who are, well, who are crazy. A good many people think as I do. If they like my work they are creative… or they are crazy. H. R. Giger
It’s very hard to work for film and you never have time to finish things in a really good way. Films make you crazy. H. R. Giger
H.R. Giger Biomechanical Alien Portrait Painting

More on Famous Swiss Designer H.R. Giger
How has H.R. Giger influenced your art making? Is he one of your favorite famous Swiss artists? Let us know what you think about Hans Ruedi Giger in the comments below.
- Isle of the Dead Painting – See the different versions of the Isle of the Dead (Die Toteninsel) painting by Arnold Böcklin and an artwork by H. R. Giger who was inspired by the masterpiece.
Related or similar popular artists and celebrities include: Salvador Dali, James Gleeson, Arnold Böcklin, and other Famous Swiss Artists.
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