J.M.W. Turner was a famous English painter, watercolorist, and printmaker associated with the Romanticism art movement. He is best known for his landscapes and seascapes filled with light and drama. Famous JMW Turner artworks include “Fishermen at Sea”, “Dutch Boats in a Gale”, “Snow Storm: Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps”, “The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons, 16th October, 1834”, “Snow Storm: Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth”, “Rain, Steam and Speed – The Great Western Railway”, “Venice – The Dogana and San Giorgio Maggiore”, “The Fighting Temeraire”, “Norham Castle, Sunrise”, “Rome, From Mount Aventine”, “The Harbor of Dieppe: Changement de Domicile” and “Sunrise with Sea Monsters”.
Mini biography: Born Joseph Mallord William Turner on the 23rd of April, 1775 in London, England. His mother was Mary Marshall and his father William Turner was a wig maker and barber. Turner never married but had two children (Evelina and Georgiana) with his housekeeper Sarah Danby. The artist died on the 19th of December, 1851 in Chelsea, England at the age of 76. William Turner is buried at the Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London, England, United Kingdom of Great Britain.
List of Famous JMW Turner Art Quotes
To select, combine and concentrate that which is beautiful in nature and admirable in art is as much the business of the landscape painter in his line as in the other departments of art. JMW Turner
If I could find anything blacker than black, I’d use it. JMW Turner
Painting can never show her nose in company with architecture without being snubbed. JMW Turner
My business is to paint what I see, not what I know is there. JMW Turner
He knows a great deal more about my pictures than I do; he puts things into my head, and points out meanings in them that I never intended. JMW Turner
It is necessary to mark the greater from the lesser truth: namely the larger and more liberal idea of nature from the comparatively narrow and confined; namely that which addresses itself to the imagination from that which is solely addressed to the eye. JMW Turner
Art Quotes About JMW Turner
He seems to paint with tinted steam, so evanescent, and so airy. John Constable Quotes
Constable, an admirable man, is one of England’s glories. I have already told you about him and about the impression he had made on me when I was making ‘The massacre at Chios’. He and Turner were real reformers. They broke out of the rut of traditional landscape painting. Eugène Delacroix Quotes
Such dreams of color – a dozen of them are like pearls – no theatrical effect but mist and cloud and sea and land drenched in light – no other master like him – they glow with a tender brilliancy that radiates from these canvases. Frederick McCubbin Quotes
J. M. W. Turner Self-Portrait Painting

More on Famous British Painter J.M.W. Turner
How has Joseph Mallord William Turner influenced your art making? Is he one of your favorite famous British landscape painters? Let us know what you think about JMW Turner in the comments below.
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