Joan Miró was a famous Spanish painter, sculptor, ceramic artist, and printmaker. He is best known for his whimsical and quirky paintings and 3D works which crossed the paths of dada, surrealism, abstraction and automatic drawing. Famous Joan Miro paintings include “The Farm”, “Harlequin’s Carnival”, “Blue II”, “The Gold of the Azure”, “Women and Bird in the Moonlight”, “The Smile of the Flamboyant Wings”, “Still Life with Old Shoe”, “The Hunter (Catalan Landscape)”, and “The Beautiful Bird Revealing the Unknown to a Pair of Lovers”.
Mini biography: Born Joan Miró i Ferrà on the 20th of April, 1893 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. His mother was Dolores Ferrà and his father Miquel Miró Adzerias was a goldsmith and watchmaker. Miro married Pilar Juncosa Iglésias in 1929 and they had one child together: María Dolores Miró. The artist died on the 25th of December, 1983 in Palma, Mallorca, Spain at the age of 90. Joan Miró is buried at the Montjuïc Cemetery, Barcelona, Spain.
List of Famous Joan Miro Art Quotes
I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music. Joan Miró
To gain freedom is to gain simplicity. Joan Miró
I feel the need of attaining the maximum of intensity with the minimum of means. It is this which has led me to give my painting a character of even greater bareness. Joan Miró
I give greater and greater importance to the materials I use in my work. A rich and vigorous material seems necessary to me in order to give the viewer that smack in the face that must happen before reflection intervenes. In this way, poetry is expressed through a plastic medium, and it speaks its own language. Joan Miró
Throughout the time in which I am working on a canvas I can feel how I am beginning to love it, with that love which is born of slow comprehension. Joan Miró
How did I think up my drawings and my ideas for painting? Well I’d come home to my Paris studio in Rue Blomet at night, I’d go to bed, and sometimes I hadn’t any supper. I saw things, and I jotted them down in a notebook. I saw shapes on the ceiling. Joan Miró
For me an object is something living. This cigarette or this box of matches contains a secret life much more intense than that of certain human beings. Joan Miró
Painting must be fertile. It must give birth to a world.. ..it must fertilize the imagination. Joan Miró
What I am looking for.. is an immobile movement, something which would be the equivalent of what is called the eloquence of silence, or what St. John of the Cross, I think it was, described with the term “mute music”. Joan Miró
What takes a long time in my case is the work of silent reflection; it is impossible for me to predict the duration of this preparatory period. Joan Miró
My characters have undergone the same process of simplification as the colors. Now that they have been simplified, they appear more human and alive than if they had been represented in all their details. Joan Miró
Joan Miró Self Portrait Painting

More on Catalan Painter Joan Miró
How has Joan Miró influenced your art making? Is he one of your favorite famous Spanish artists? Let us know what you think about Joan Miro in the comments below.
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