Larry Gagosian is a famous American gallerist and art collector. He is best known for being the founder of the Gagosian Gallery which represents some of the most popular working artists in the world. He has art galleries located in New York City, London, Beverly Hills, Rome, Basel, Athens, Geneva, Paris, and Hong Kong. Estimates of the value of his art collection vary wildly but it’s said to be worth at least hundreds of millions. He collects modern and contemporary artworks with important pieces by artists like Gerhard Richter, Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Brice Marden and Christopher Wool.
Mini biography: Born Lawrence Gilbert Gagosian on the 19th of April, 1945 in Los Angeles, California, United States of America. His mother was Ann Louise and his father Ara was an accountant and stockbroker. The Gagosian name was originally Ghoughasian when his grandparents immigrated from Armenia.
List of Larry Gagosian Art Quotes
In a larger sense, I think it’s a unique economy. The less you fiddle with it, the healthier it’ll be. As far as the question of smaller galleries falling by the wayside, I’ve seen these cycles. I’ve been an art dealer for forty years. It’s just a cyclical thing. Larry Gagosian
My journey is different from some other major galleries because I started from scratch. I didn’t have family in the business. I never worked for another gallery. I never worked for an auction house. Larry Gagosian
Auctions are a necessary evil. I think they’ve helped, because auctions create confidence in the market—I’m speaking as a dealer here. At the same time, there’s so many exceptions as to why something didn’t sell. Larry Gagosian
When a great artist gets my attention, I pursue it. If I don’t, someone else will, you know what I’m saying? Larry Gagosian
It’s very easy to open a gallery. To open a small gallery—which I did, I started with nothing—it doesn’t take a ton of capital, and you can find insane capital to open a bootstrap gallery. So the barrier to entry is relatively low, compared to other businesses. Larry Gagosian
You have to stay open as an artist. Novelists have editors. Musicians have producers. No matter how successful you are, no one should immunize themselves from feedback. Larry Gagosian
By nature, I’ve been a survivor and a scrappy businessman, which maybe in these times it suits me well. Larry Gagosian
I’m not in the luxury-goods business. I sell unique objects. I wish I was in luxury goods because then I could just call the factory and say, ‘I need 10,000 more of whatever.’ But I can’t because then it’s not art, it’s something else. Larry Gagosian
I always thought I was a pretty good dresser as a kid. We didn’t have a lot of money but I took pains in how I put things together, in the blue jeans I wore. Larry Gagosian
There is always a buyer somewhere for a masterpiece. They say, ‘Maybe it’s not the greatest moment to buy something, but when will I get offered something like this again?’ Larry Gagosian
Larry Gagosian Portrait Painting

More on Famous American Art Dealer Larry Gagosian
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Related artists or art industry people include: Paul G Allen, Leo Castelli, Andy Warhol, David Hockney, Jeff Koons and Cy Twombly.
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