Leo Castelli is a famous American gallerist and art collector. He is best known for being the founder of the Leo Castelli Gallery. He collected modern and contemporary artworks and represented or exhibited artists like Jasper Johns, Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Roy Lichtenstein, and Andy Warhol.
Mini biography: Born Leo Krausz on the 4th of September, 1907 in Trieste, Austrian Littoral, Austria-Hungary. His mother was the wealthy heiress Bianca Castelli and his father Ernest Krauss was a banker. Castelli married the art dealer Ileana Schapira (who went on to become Ileana Sonnabend) in 1933 and they divorced in 1959. His second wife was Antoinette Fraissex du Bost. They had a son together and she died in 1987. He married Barbara Bertozzi Castelli in 1995. The art dealer died on the 21st of August, 1999 in New York City, United States of America at the age of 91.
List of Leo Castelli Art Quotes
There is no other gallery of this size that’s so open as ours, where everybody can come and go. I like it that way and wouldn’t want to change it. Leo Castelli
Jasper Johns produces a group of works, and then for years sometimes he doesn’t do much except for his prints and drawings. He has adopted the attitude that unless he feels he can do something that’s new, he just prefers not to do anything. Leo Castelli
For me, the concept of modern is what’s being done at any given moment, not a historical thing. I think it’s a misnomer to put modern art in the past. Leo Castelli
One might almost say that what happens occasionally is a mutation really, because artists tend to go on exploring and basing their explorations on the previous artists, and then perhaps they see a new area there that they can explore. And the more intelligent ones, the geniuses, do find a way out of the dilemma of going on and repeating what their predecessors have been doing. Leo Castelli
Well, one thing is, first complete and total belief in the artist. If you don’t believe in him you can’t build him up. Leo Castelli
Leo Castelli Portrait Painting

More on Famous American Art Dealer Leo Castelli
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Related artists or art industry people include: Paul G Allen, Andy Warhol, Larry Gagosian and American Art Dealers.
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