Ron English is a famous American artist, designer, toy maker, political artist, illustrator, muralist, printmaker and culture jamming activist. He is best known for his critical and sometimes humorous observations on popular culture, his “Popaganda” business, and his retakes of famous paintings. Famous Ron English artworks include “Last Supper”, “Diabetic Bear (breakfast cereal)”, “Andy Warhol”, “Cap’n Cornstarch in Delusionville”, “Abraham Obama”, “Cow With Udders”, “Fat Tony Camo”, “Super Pink Marilyn”, “Rick and Morty Grin”, “Fast Food Guernica” and “Super Size Me”.
Mini biography: Born Ron English on the 6th of June, 1959 in Decatur, Illinois, United States of America. English is married to Tarssa Yazdani and has two children.
List of Famous Ron English Art Quotes
I look out my window and I don’t see a mountain, I see an advertisement. I am surrounded by the cartoon mascots of the corporations that rule the planet. The way I have come to terms with them is by making them my own through the process of art. Ron English
Most high art ignores the social or political situation it is created in, opting for a voice in a smaller, more esoteric, conceptual conversation. Ron English
I was interested in billboards because they carried a certain authority as opposed to graffiti on a wall. A billboard ostensibly required an interface with a large, powerful corporation and its self-preserving censors. Ron English
Even the spray paint gas masks leak. They do cut down toxic fumes, but you’re still contaminating and damaging your lungs. There’s no easy way out of things. You trade your health for your art. Ron English
Think of Popaganda as an advertising agency tasked with telling the other side of the story, because there IS another side of the story and it’s BIG. Ron English
I used Mickey Mouse and icons of consumer culture. But I think maybe at some point it hit me that painting Mickey Mouse screws me, because you can’t license anything with it. And then I bet there’s a million possibilities that are open to somebody who has their own characters. Ron English
I think street art represents a new, more democratic, more engaged relationship between artists and the public that is extremely exciting. It’s like we’ve finally decided to quit listening to the disemboweled babble of the high priests and are engaging directly with the person sitting next to us in the pews. Ron English
I find trends to be very circular; everything goes round and comes back again, so I don’t worry about fitting into some transient definition of what good art is. I like to make each show something completely different, telling a new story, with characters, tropes and themes. Ron English
An artist does not usually exist independently of his society nor should they. Holding one’s breath is not an effective protest against air pollution. Ron English
In terms of my key influences, I really liked Keith Haring. I felt like he was a self-directed and highly motivated artist that could exist without affirmation. Ron English
The art world has been about the branding of individualism for a long time now. As the newer artists engage more hands-off manufactured strategies the challenge is to keep the soul of the artist imbedded in the final product. Ron English
Ron English Artwork

More on Famous American Artist Ron English
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