Susan Rothenberg was a famous American painter and printmaker. She is best known for her horse paintings. Famous Susan Rothenberg artworks include “Mondrian Dancing”, “Galisteo Creek”, “Pink Couch”, “Chix”, “Skull Rocks Bones”, “Maggie’s Ponytail”, “Triple Form”, “Triphammer Bridge” and “Cabin Fever”.
Mini biography: Born Susan Charna Rothenberg on the 20th of January, 1945 in Buffalo, New York, United States of America. Her mother was Adele Cohen and her father Leonard Rothenberg was the owner of a chain of supermarkets. Rothenberg married the Canadian sculptor George Trakas in 1971 and they divorced in 1979. They had one child together: Maggie. She married her second husband, conceptual American artist Bruce Nauman in 1989. The artist died on the 18th of May, 2020 in Galisteo, New Mexico, USA at the age of 75.
List of Famous Susan Rothenberg Art Quotes
Sometimes the painting starts to relate very directly to either sights seen or experiences felt, other times it just goes off on a tangent that you really can’t articulate. Susan Rothenberg
I think artists almost always end up turning to what’s around them, what’s in their environment or outside their window. Susan Rothenberg
The anxiety and sometimes distorted way of seeing things I would guess comes from my wanting to impose my energy on the place. We live a fairly isolated life here.. I look for the weird to liven things up. Sometimes I probably make it more weird than it is. Susan Rothenberg
You have to commit to your work. You have to find things that interest you and find interesting ways of rendering them. You have to fight yourself at every turn, so that you’re not repetitive or taking an easy solution. Susan Rothenberg
Some of the pictures are truly mysterious to me.. which is why I so often say publicly that I don’t know or don’t care what they’re really about. And yet I can also say that the paintings are prayers.. that they have to do with whatever it is that makes you want more than what daily life affords. Susan Rothenberg
I believe very strongly that if you’re not in your studio physically most every day, you’ve denied the possibility of anything happening. So, even if you’re reading a detective novel, you should be there. I don’t go to the studio at night anymore, unless I’m on a deadline or fussed at Bruce; then I go back. It’s my sanctuary. It’s a great studio. It’s a great place to have a studio. Susan Rothenberg
When I stumbled on the horse I went, okay, this can be my Jasper Johns flag. This can be nothing to me because I don’t like horses. I can draw a line through it and make it flat, I can take all the things that I’ve learned in the last couple years and negate painting as much as possible in terms of illusionism, shadow, and composition. Susan Rothenberg
I felt a tremendous affinity with Van Gogh’s deep feeling for the things he painted and how he exaggerated the colors of sky, chairs, faces, to bring them to almost more than life. Susan Rothenberg
If you don’t know what you’re doing out here in the South West, in this kind of isolation, if you don’t understand that you’re supposed to have work and a purpose to every day, you’re going to float off into the stratosphere or move very quickly back to an urban center. Susan Rothenberg
What makes me continue to make paintings? I don’t know how to do anything else. Susan Rothenberg
Susan Rothenberg Horse Painting

More on Famous American Artist Susan Rothenberg
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